At Access Physiotherapy, we provide ankle braces designed to offer compression support for individuals recovering from ankle injuries or strains. Our braces are crafted to immobilize the joint, facilitating the natural healing process of affected muscles and tissues.

Our range of ankle braces in Brampton includes options with a stretchable fabric that can be easily pulled over the foot. Additionally, we offer braces with secure velcro straps for customizable closure, allowing you to choose based on your specific requirements. Whether used preventively or to address an existing ankle injury, our braces are versatile and supportive.

Ankles are susceptible to various injuries due to their crucial role in supporting body weight and facilitating movement. Common ankle injuries include:

Sprains: These occur when ligaments are stretched or torn, often due to sudden twisting or rolling of the ankle. Ligaments connect bone to bone and provide stability to the joint.

Strains: Involving the stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons around the ankle, strains can result from overuse, excessive force, or sudden movements.

Fractures: Ankle fractures involve a break in one or more bones in the ankle. This can happen due to a fall, impact, or twisting motion.

Achilles Tendon Injuries: The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. Injuries to this tendon can range from mild inflammation (tendonitis) to a complete tear.

Tendonitis: Inflammation of the tendons around the ankle can lead to pain and swelling. This can result from overuse, repetitive movements, or degenerative conditions.

Bursitis: Bursae are small sacs filled with fluid that cushion and reduce friction between bones and soft tissues. Inflammation of these sacs can cause pain and swelling.

Cartilage Injuries: Damage to the cartilage within the ankle joint can occur due to trauma or wear and tear, leading to pain and limited range of motion.

Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can affect the ankle joint, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

Peroneal Tendon Injuries: The peroneal tendons, located on the outer side of the ankle, can suffer injuries ranging from inflammation to tears.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: Similar to carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, this condition involves compression of nerves in the ankle, leading to pain, tingling, and numbness.

Discover our range of ankle braces at Access Physiotherapy designed for easy fitting to your unique foot shape. Our braces are crafted to alleviate pain, promote healing, and prevent future injuries. Rely on our registered orthotics to guide you in selecting the perfect brace that aligns with your specific needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us; we’re here to optimize your healthcare journey.

Contact us to explore the ideal solution for your ankle health

Access Physiotherapy
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